Complaints of improper or illegal solid waste, animal waste or garbage on the ground are investigated. The Asotin County Health District Environmental Health department works closely with the Department of Ecology to ensure solid waste regulations are followed.
Solid waste includes garbage, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, demolition and construction wastes, abandoned vehicles or parts, discarded items, wood waste, medical waste, tires, recyclable items, sewage sludge and septage (from on-site sewage/septic tanks).
To report a potential solid waste violation, please call 509.243.334.
Improper disposal and storage of solid waste can result in groundwater contamination, rodent and mosquito breeding, fire hazards and injuries due to contact with corrosive chemicals and sharp objects.

Solid Waste Regulations –WAC 173-350-010
The purpose of these regulations is to protect public health, to prevent land, air or water pollution and conserve the state’s natural, economic and energy resources by:
- Setting minimum functional performance standards for the proper handling and disposal of solid waste originating from residences, commercial, agricultural, industrial operations or other sources
- Identifying those functions necessary to assure effective solid waste handling programs at both the state and local level
- Following the priorities for the management of solid waste as set by the legislature in Chapter 70.95 RCW, solid waste management-Reduction and recycling
- Describing the responsibility of the persons, municipalities, regional agencies, state and local government related to solid waste
- Requiring solid waste handling facilities to be located, designed, constructed, operated and closed in accordance with this chapter
- Promoting regulatory consistency by establishing statewide minimum standards for solids waste handling
- Encouraging the development and operation of waste recycling facilities and activities needed to accomplish the management priority of waste recycling
Solid Waste Violation
If you have a solid waste violation on your property, we will contact you. The notification will include information about next steps and how to meet regulations. Please keep in mind that solid waste regulations are in place to protect the people and environment, so we want to work with you to resolve the issue.
Learn about what the EPA does to regulate and reduce wastes, and to help clean up with waste or harmful substances pollute the land we live on.