All food permits expire January 31 each year.
Any person wishing to distribute food in Asotin County must obtain a permit to operate issued by Asotin County Health District.
This includes:
- New Establishments
- Remodeled Establishments
- Change of Ownership
- Donated Food Distributions
- Temporary Events
- Community and Charity Events
New food establishments must submit their Plan Review Packet at least 14 days prior to projected opening date AND before construction begins. Temporary food permit applications must be submitted at least 7 business days in advance. Asotin County Health District’s Food Safety program protects public health by working with the food service industry and community to prevent food-borne illness. This includes food establishment plan review and/or pre-occupancy inspections of new or remodeled food establishments, as well as food safety consultations for permitted establishments.
Food establishment plan reviews and pre-opening inspections ensure compliance with food code requirements. Prior to construction or remodeling, food establishments must submit detailed design plans, equipment specifications, and a menu with detailed food preparation steps to the health district for approval.
Once construction is complete, a pre-opening inspection is conducted to verify the establishment has been constructed per the approved plans and all plan review approval requirements have been met.
Plan Review Process
A Plan Review Packet must be submitted to ACHD at least 14 days before the projected opening date AND before construction begins.
- Submit the completed Plan Review Packet to Asotin County Health District (ACHD) before construction begins AND at least 14 days before the projected opening date. Be sure all the required items listed on the Food Establishment Plan Review checklist are included, along with the initial non-refundable Plan Review fee of $60.00. Plan reviews are $60.00 per hour. Applications are not accepted unless all items on the checklist are complete and summitted together.
- Wait for approval. Our goal is to send you a response letter within 30 days informing you if the project is approved or if additional information or changes are needed before approval can be given. To avoid costly mistakes, do not purchase equipment or begin construction until you have ACHD’s written approval.
- Pass Inspection. Once your project is complete, contact Environmental Health (509.243.3343) to schedule a pre-operational inspection 3-7 days prior to opening. This will allow ACHD to verify the establishment meets all state and local codes and matches the approved plan.
- Pay for the permit. Once you have passed the pre-operational inspection, submit the Food Service Application, additional plan review fees and re-inspection fees, if applicable. A facility may be required to obtain multiple permits from other agencies. Once you have received approval from all other applicable agencies (such as local building inspection and/or fire marshal), you are approved to operate your food business. Operating permits expire January 31st each year. As a courtesy we strive to send reminders annually but it is the responsibility of the FSE owner to renew their permit.
Donated Food Distribution Organizations (DFDO)
You must have a permit to operate as a DFDO.
Food Rescues or Share Pantry
You may not need a food permit if you are using ONLY exempt food. It is your responsibility to know if you are exempt. Contact the Health District at 509.243.3343 if you have any questions.

Do not submit personal health, financial or other sensitive information on this form. You can also email us at [email protected].