Why are food establishments inspected?
The food safety rules and the local inspection program are designed to help ensure that food establishments are safe places to eat. The inspection reports are used as tools to measure compliance with the food safety rules, highlight areas to educate the operators, and guide corrective actions to help prevent food-borne illness.
How to read the report
Each Food Service Establishment (FSE) is assigned a risk level based on the food they serve. Depending on the risk level, a FSE must be inspected AT LEAST 1, 2, or 3 times per year. It is not unusual for a FSE to be inspected more than the minimum requirement.
Please be advised that the results of all inspections posted on this section of the site only describe what the ACHD Environmental Health Specialist observed at the time of the inspection, at the physical location of the establishment. Reports are not intended to guarantee the conditions of a food establishment at all times, nor are they meant to endorse any food establishment or products.
ACHD checks for a wide range of safety issues at each establishment. If a violation is found the FSE will be given the opportunity to correct the issue either during or after the inspection. When a FSE makes the necessary corrections, these will also be noted in the report.
High Risk Factors (red) are improper practices or procedures identified as the most prevalent contributing factors of foodborne illness or injury. These items are prominent on the inspection report because maintaining compliance of these items is vital to preventing foodborne illness.
Low Risk Factors (blue) are preventative measures that include practices and procedures which effectively control the introduction of pathogens, chemicals, and physical objects into food. If these are not controlled, they could be contributing factors to foodborne illness. However, the intention of this inspection form is to focus the inspector’s attention on those factors that have been shown to be most often linked with causing foodborne illness. Since the major emphasis of an inspection should be on the Red High Risk Factors that cause foodborne illness and the public health interventions that have the greatest impact on preventing foodborne illness, the blue items have been given less importance on the inspection form and a differentiation between IN, OUT, N/A, and N/O is not made in this area.
This report will be updated twice per month. For each FSE the following information is included:
- Name
- Address
- Date of inspection
- Any violations
- Corrections made, if applicable